
Celebrating an Event at the Movies

Human Behavior, Social Media And The Film Industry Make For Great Entertainment

With the technology available to the average person today, it's possible to get just about any message out to the general public. The internet is ripe with documentaries that explore human behavior. All you need to do is take a look at social media for a few minutes, and you can see where the interests of your friends and followers are. People like stories and they like to watch the lives of other people from the comfort of their own home. Consider the popularity of reality television and it's clear that people like to be entertained by shows, images, and documentaries of real people that they can relate to.

Documentaries that Matter

The film industry has produced a number of thought-provoking, ambitious documentaries over the years. Film makers such as Michael Moore, who predicted Donald Trump's presidential election win, or John O'Hagan, who documented what life was like when World War II was ending and the town of Levittown, New York was created. The town contained 2,000 identical houses in 1947, and quickly became a suburb with more than 6,000 identical homes. Documentaries can provide a glimpse to the past, predict the future, and attempt to explain the intricacies of human behavior.

Social Media and the Film Industry

Social media is a powerful tool where anyone with an internet connection can share all of their deepest thoughts. While this isn't always useful, it does provide plenty of fodder for story ideas. It's possible to test an idea with a target audience through the use of social media, and you can get people motivated about your project before it really even gets started. Social media has affected the film industry in both positive and negative ways, giving everyone the ability to be a critic, producer, and actor if they have the right equipment and motivation.

The world is an entertaining place. Filmmakers play a special role in documenting events and bringing stories to life. You can understand a lot about human behavior by seeing what is popular and by engaging in conversation throughout social media. Now that almost everyone has quick access to social media accounts through mobile devices, stories are picked up fast. Quick videos taken by an observer can spark big stories later on. The way people document everything in their lives opens up the world, making it a much smaller place for those that are paying attention on social media.

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Celebrating an Event at the Movies

For my sixteenth birthday, my loving parents planned to take me and some of my closest friends bowling. Unfortunately, the bowling alley wasn’t open to the public on the night of my birthday. So my parents treated me and my friends to dinner and a movie. The movie was an extremely funny comedy everyone enjoyed watching. Do you have a special birthday, anniversary, or other milestone event coming up? Consider celebrating it with loved ones at a local movie theater. On this blog, I hope you will discover how much fun celebrating an event while watching a popular movie at a theater can be.